Parental Permission Required for After School Programs (click to read more)
Important: If your child attends any of the following programs and needs to ride their bus or van in the afternoon, you must inform your...
Important: If your child attends any of the following programs and needs to ride their bus or van in the afternoon, you must inform your...
Our PTO is sponsoring this fundraiser to benefit our school. Students will bring home a flyer where you can place your order. Delivery will be...
On Friday, September 4th, Mrs. Rogers announced her Plott Hound Pick, a wonderful book about ever-changing life, called As an Oak Tree Grows by G. Brian Karas....
At our Leadership Celebration on Friday, September 4th, we recognized four 5th grade leaders for living the Seven Habits everyday at Hazelwood Elementary. We are proud...
We are excited to introduce our new Plott Hound PACK program for this 2015-16 school year. This creed explains what it means to be a model Plott Hound...
Hazelwood Welcomes Families To “Meet The Teacher” on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:30 am – 9:30 am: Parents of Pre-K and Kindergarten students 5:00 pm...
On Saturday, August 8th, Hazelwood families and Hazelwood Baptist Church worked to spread mulch on the playgrounds, trim bushes around the building, and wash windows to...
What are you reading this hot summer day? We are keeping ourselves cool with some good reads!
Just a reminder that we will NOT have our Summer Reading Program on Tuesday, 7/28/15. Our last program date will be Tuesday, 8/4/15 from 11:00-1:00...
Hazelwood Elementary School staff and students are Sharpening Our Saw this summer reading everywhere under the sun. What are YOU reading this summer?